Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimiztion, 26(1):121-131

Authors: Jaroslaw Sobieszczanski-Sobieski and Gerhard Venter
Publication Date: January 2004

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the application of particle swarm optimization to a realistic multidisciplinary optimization test problem. The paper’s new contributions to multidisciplinary optimization are the application of a new algorithm for dealing with the unique challenges associated with multidisciplinary optimization problems, and recommendations to the utilization of the algorithm in future multidisciplinary optimization applications. The selected example is a bi-level optimization problem that demonstrates severe numerical noise and has a combination of continuous and discrete design variables. The use of traditional gradient-based optimization algorithms is thus not practical. The numerical results presented indicate that the particle swarm optimization algorithm is able to reliably find the optimum design for the problem presented. The algorithm is capable of dealing with the unique challenges posed by multidisciplinary optimization as well as the numerical noise and discrete variables present in the current example problem.